
About Me.

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lawyer Barry Breedijk

I am a lawyer qualified in the Netherlands and specialised in privacy and data protection law, with a particular focus on cybersecurity, privacy investigations and enforcement. I worked at large global law firms and have extensive in-house experience.

I advise clients on their national and cross-border data protection issues, as well as on data breaches and cybersecurity issues. I have broad experience with regulatory privacy investigations and enforcement actions. I support clients during the entire lifecycle of an investigation or enforcement procedure and have good knowledge of administrative law and procedures.

I have successfully represented clients in investigations by the Dutch DPA and the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets, as well as other EU data protection supervisory authorities and the EDPB Taskforce.

I hold the CIPP/E certification and I am a member of the Dutch Association of Privacy Lawyers and the Dutch Association for Privacy Law. I successfully completed the post-graduate course on Administrative Law at the Grotius Academy and obtained a bachelor in Private law and masters in both European Law and Private law.

I have registered the following principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: Privacy Law. Based on this registration, I am required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

barry.breedijk@seventytwo.law +31(0)6 4637 6120

